Sunday, September 15, 2013

A blessing or a curse?

The world today is truly dominated by overflowing inventions. In every place you can reach, there is something modern. But how sure are we that these newly invented gadgets benefit us?

Computers, cellphones, laptops and other products of technology that we are craving for consider now as our priorities. Because of the existence of all these things in the market, life became easy and convenient. They also serve as an instrument to improve our lives.

But did you know what disadvantages these things can bring to us? Usually we are only up to the good things we can get from them and we don’t look for the consequences they would bear. We are not conscious about the effects of what they may bring in the future.

Technology may be a blessing but sometimes it is a curse. Why curse? Simply because these things deceive us most especially among teenagers. Computers attract students to play online games instead of reading books and scanning their notes.

Computers also give very vast information that sometimes causes misinterpretation and misunderstanding especially among immature people. As you can see, because of the increasing production of technological products, nature is also affected because of the pollution from the vehicles and industrial plants that can lead to global warming.

Although, technology is a good thing for us to progress one must think of what could be the effects it can bring to us and to nature.

Words: C. Domingo

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